Natural Health with CNM

How to Transform Your Health and Prevent Disease with Robert Verkerk

May 26, 2021 College of Naturopathic Medicine Episode 26
How to Transform Your Health and Prevent Disease with Robert Verkerk
Natural Health with CNM
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Natural Health with CNM
How to Transform Your Health and Prevent Disease with Robert Verkerk
May 26, 2021 Episode 26
College of Naturopathic Medicine

Internationally acclaimed scientist Robert Verkerk discusses disease prevention strategies and how to create health naturally through diet and lifestyle. He explains why we need to change the way we think about our health in order to thrive, the driving factors that contribute to disease and why the current healthcare system doesn’t promote long-term health. Robert also runs through the twelve areas of the human constitution and how to optimise each area to supercharge your health. For more information and the show notes, head to the CNM podcast website. 

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Show Notes

Internationally acclaimed scientist Robert Verkerk discusses disease prevention strategies and how to create health naturally through diet and lifestyle. He explains why we need to change the way we think about our health in order to thrive, the driving factors that contribute to disease and why the current healthcare system doesn’t promote long-term health. Robert also runs through the twelve areas of the human constitution and how to optimise each area to supercharge your health. For more information and the show notes, head to the CNM podcast website. 

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